One other great feature of this software is that it's Windows-based, which means that it runs on all windows computers, not just on the Producers.

Photodex Producers comes with a bundle of eight DVDs that have over one hour of high-definition video, along with detailed instructions on how to make your videos look the way you want.

The only other thing that sets it apart from my other programs is the fact that it also comes built-in with CorelDraw. The biggest thing is that it comes built-in with Windows Movie Maker, so it makes it easier for me to edit videos because everything is built-in and standardized. There are a few things to like about the software that set it apart from other programs.

I really like this because this means that you can make your videos a lot more professional looking by integrating them into Windows, which is just one more bonus point. A Photodex Producers key feature is the fact that it can be used as a Windows program, but it also comes with a bundle of other tools.