Think-cell’s user interface is available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. The installation of think-cell requires less than 200 MB of disk space. Visual Basic for Applications (from Office Shared Features).The following components must be installed: think-cell also works with the fully installed versions of the desktop Office apps in Office 365. On Mac, think-cell works with Microsoft Office 2016 (version 16.9 or later), 2019 or 2021 for Mac and macOS High Sierra (10.13) or later. think-cell also works with the fully installed versions and Click-to-Run versions of the desktop Office apps in Office 365. On Windows, think-cell works with Microsoft Office 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 or 2021 for Windows, with at least PowerPoint and Excel installed. If you only administer think-cell on Windows, feel free to skip the installation section for macOS, and vice versa. The mechanics of the initial installation and the distribution mechanism of configuration settings differ more substantially and are described in separate sections. If there is some variation in detail, this is mentioned directly in the text. Most aspects of deploying think-cell are the same on both supported platforms (Windows or macOS). A.1 Considerations before installation A.2 Initial installation A.3 Ongoing maintenance A.1 Considerations before installation If you want to install a personal copy of think-cell on your computer, please refer to Installation and update.

This chapter describes how to deploy think-cell in a larger organization.